Giving at The Parish of Keighley

We are generous in response to God’s generosity and because we want to reflect his nature.

Your giving contributes directly to the transformation of lives and communities. It enables everything we do at Keighley Parish including running all three Churches, services, community work, youth, courses, house groups and so much more.

Everything that happens within Keighley Parish is made possible by our amazing congregation who pray, serve and give to the work of the church.

Principles of Giving

Giving is part of our worship. Jesus was very clear that it’s not possible to serve both God and money. We must make sure that God is on the throne of our hearts, not money. One temperature test for this is our attitude towards giving and how willing we are to be generous. Our motivation for generosity is God’s goodness to us. We give in response to God’s radically generosity to us in giving us his son. The only response to God’s radical generosity is radical generosity ourselves.

 The Old Testament teaches that we give as an expression of thankfulness, 10% from the first fruits of what we receive. Giving 10% of our income is a good principle to guide our giving. The Bible teaches that giving should be faithful, regular, cheerful, willing, joyful and at times, sacrificial. Sometimes we need to feel the pain of sacrificial giving, we may need to ask what are we giving to before God? It’s important to remember that, there should not be guilt or shame associated with giving – it is never helpful to compare what we give, with what others give.

Financial Hardship

We know that there can be seasons in our lives that are hard financially. In all of this we are not wanting to create pressure or burden you but to ask the question, where might God be calling you to stretch in this area.

If you are currently facing financial hardship, please do let us know so we can pray for you and help to support you financially.

Ways to Give

Regular giving at Keighley Parish is the most helpful, but we are appreciative of all donations given by our congregation. Please find below the different ways you can give financially.

It is helpful for you to let us know when you have setup new giving via standing order or changed your existing giving or plan to give in a way that is less regular than each month. This helps us to budget and plan well. Please use the form linked below to let us know this information.

If you would like to talk to someone about giving, please email:

  • Standing Order

    The most efficient way for you to give to us is directly via the bank through standing order, as there are no fees involved, and we get 100% of your donation. To set up or amend a standing order, log in to your online banking or visit your local branch with SJB’s bank account details:​

    Keighley Parish

    Account Number: 00006178

    Sort Code: 40-52-40

    Bank: CAF Bank

    Quote reference as: General Giving

  • Parish Giving Scheme

    This method is also efficient as we do not incur any fees. You can sign up to a direct debit taken around the first of the month, either by using the packs in Church or online using the link below. There is also an option to increase your donation annually in-line with inflation.

  • Online Card Giving

    If you wish to give via Credit/Debit card, you can do so using the link below. You can give via this method either as a one-off or recurring donation.

  • Give by Cash, Cheque or Card

    Planned giving via the bank or the Parish Giving Scheme is the most helpful for us to plan, but we gratefully receive all gifts.

    Cheques are made payable to The Parish of Keighley PCC, and can be sent via the post or handed into our North Street Offices. You can also give by cash, cheque or card at our Sunday services.

Parish Expenditure

As a Parish we think it’s important to be transparent about finances. First of all - to be honest about how much it costs to run the Keighley Parish and secondly to make sure you know exactly where your donations go and what they fund. To the left is the latest pie chart explaining how giving has be apportioned for the 2021 financial year.

This will be updated, please come back to see the updated chart soon.