Prayer In Keighley Parish
Prayer is giving our attention to God, who is always alongside us and ready to listen. Anyone can pray, at any time and in any place.
Prayer is at the heart of all that goes on in the parish. As Christians we live from an awareness of God our Father, through a living relationship with Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus modeled a life of prayer to his heavenly Father and we seek to follw his example and teaching. As we pray, we offer every situation to God, and God uses our prayers to bring love and justice into the world.
Prayer is to be a daily commitment for each of us but is also a way in which we can come together as the family of God, seeking God's help, guidance, peace and love.
Prayer takes place in all of our services and in each church there are opportunities for gathering with others.
The parish team meets together for prayer every Tuesday morning at 9:30am at the Parish Office and each Wednesday at St Andrew's at 1pm. You are welcome to join us for prayer.
There are various resources that we offer to help us to pray for the parish and there is a guide with prompts for prayer each day through the month:
This is our parish prayer for growth:
God of mission,
who alone brings growth to your church,
Send your Holy spirit to give
vision to our planning, wisdom to our actions,
joy to our worship, and power to our witness.
Help our churches to grow in numbers,
in spiritual commitment to you,
and in service to our local communities,
as we are seeking, sharing and growing together in Love,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Here are additional links with resources for prayer:
24/7 Prayer - How to pray
A daily prayer app called Lectio 365
24-7 Prayer
24-7 Prayer is an amazing opportunity to participate in a prayer initiative that spans all parishes. It involves booking a one hour private prayer slot in a pre-arranged 24 hours schedule. The prayer initiative will be set up to support a specific forthcoming activity in the parish, such as the Alpha Holy Spirit Day, Christmas and Easter services. Participants can pray in the comfort of their homes and are supplied with a prayer guide for their hour’s time with the Lord. Not only is this an important part of Keighley Parish prayer activity, it is also a great personal blessing to everyone involved.