St Andrew’s
St Andrews is situated in the heart of Keighley Town Centre
At St Andrew’s we aim to be a sign of
the love and faithfulness of God in
our local community.
Visitors and newcomers are welcome to join us
at any of our services or regular activities.
10.45am Sunday Service
This is our main Sunday service which is lively and informal, with worship led by a band, good Biblical teaching and a warm welcome. The relaxed style makes it family-friendly with provision for children every week.
Activities for children are run during term times for ages from school age children (5-18). Click here for more info. We also have provision for younger children in the church - a comfy seating area with colouring and toys available, and a play room where you can still see and hear the service. The service lasts about an hour, with Holy Communion on the first Sunday of the month and an All Age Service on the third Sunday of the month.
There are a good number of small groups associated with this congregation, where you can get to know others better and learn more about faith. We are a diverse and inclusive community with members of different ethnic and social backgrounds, who have a common faith in Jesus.
Contact Rev Jon on 07775 833313 for more info
Welcome Place Cafe (pay as you can)
Running in the hall behind the church, we offer a hot meal and space to meet with others .
Monday’s and Wednesday’s 11 am - 1 pm.
Grubs Up Service
Every Thursday at 6pm
This is an informal service that lasts about an hour and includes a meal together.
Christians Against Poverty (CAP)
Duncan our debt advice worker is based at the parish office and can be contacted on: 07926007465.
Visit Us
St Andrew’s Church
North Street
Sunday Family Service
Thursday Grubs Up
Parish Office
01535 607003