Mini Mark’s
Join us in St Mark’s Church Hall
one day a week or all three days!
Lots of toys, crafts, interactive Bible story,
singing and snacks!
Day and time:
Monday - Wednesday
9:30am - 11:00am (doors open at 9:15am).
Term time only
Up to two adults and two children
£1 each for additional family members
St Mark’s Church Greenhead Road
BD20 6ED
£3.50 per family
Busy Bees
We are a friendly, relaxed playgroup for babies and children under five and their parents/carers.
We would love to welcome you and your little ones to join us.
Day and time:
9:45am - 11:15am
Term time only
Up to two adults and two children
£1 each for additional family members
St Barnabas Church
Calton Road
BD21 4UR
£3.50 per family
For more info, please email